Welcome to Westchester Congregational Church

Regular morning worship is held each Sunday at 10:00 a.m. Sunday school is available to all children and childcare is also available. Mask wearing is optional.
All worship services will be available via Zoom. Please email bookingwcc@gmail.com by 6:00 p.m. on Saturday if you need the Zoom login information.
Cub Scout Pack 109 of Colchester recently held its annual Pinewood Derby Race. Pictured are Cub Scouts with leaders, family, and helpers from Troop 109 watching the finish line for the first run. Cars are made by the scouts and this event is always exciting. Pack 109 is sponsored by the Westchester Church in colchester. For more info, email westcongchurch@gmail.com. Photo by Alice Csere
At the Pack 109 Den Meeting on Feb 20, Scouts learned how WCC gives to others. They learned about the knitting group, the Christmas giving tree, Operation Christmas Child, monetary donations to events like the fires in California, and the Blessings Box. We walked down to the Blessings Box and the scouts put several items inside (4 boxes of cereal and a few other items). Photo by Alice Csere
Welcome to the website of the Westchester Congregational Church, where our slogan is "Look Up, Laugh, Love and Lift." Our small church with a big heart has served the area since 1848 in its current location. We invite you, your family and friends to join us for worship and many other activities throughout the year. All are welcome.
Sunday mornings at 10:00 a.m.
Sunday mornings at 10:00 a.m.
For general inquiries about the church and what we offer: westcongchurch@gmail.com
To inquire about the church calendar or to book an event: bookingWCC@gmail.com
98 Cemetery Rd. Colchester, Connecticut 06415, United States
Phone: 860.267.6711
Worship Service Sunday 10:00 a.m.
Sunday School Sunday 10:00 a.m.