The Outreach Committee is continuing to stock the Blessings Box, located near the church driveway exit.
The Blessings Box (also known as a Free Little Pantry in some communities), is a tool for neighbors to help neighbors. The box will be stocked with an assortment of items, including nonperishable foods, baby diapers and supplies, as well as basic household supplies and personal care items.
The box is a place community members may take something they need or donate something for others. All can be done at one’s convenience, and anonymously. Donations may also be left in the basket in the church foyer. All items must be sealed and within expiration dates.
The Outreach Committee is requesting donations on the last Sunday of each month to help keep the Blessings Box stocked. The box is found empty every few days. To keep up with the need, we are requesting that everyone bring one item to church on the last Sunday of each month. All items are currently welcomed, including canned fruiits/vegetables, soups and sauces. Also, please bring dry goods like pasta, cereal, Mac & cheese with powder cheese, or personal hygiene items, like soap or toothbrushes. Place your donations in the box located in the upstairs foyer outside the sanctuary.
Take a blessing, bring a blessing, be a blessing!
The Knitting Group meets weekly on Thursday mornings at 10:00 a.m. If weather permits, we like to meet outside, so bring a chair.
For many, many years, church knitters and crocheters have made prayer shawls that are prayed upon and blessed, and delivered to those in need of comfort.
We also have ongoing missions to make scarves, hats, mittens and gloves for the homeless, as well as "chemo caps" for folks who have lost their hair due to cancer treatments. Since there is an unfortunately large need for these items locally, we love to have community involvement! We are just told told to have tight stitches that won't allow a lot of air to pass through and to use very soft yarn. You may use your own pattern or we can provide you with some.
During the past several years, our newly formed Knitting/Crochet group have made tiny hats and comfort items for premature infants at area hospitals. The group was also highlighted on local news stations for their mission to knit and crochet bird/small animal nests for wildlife victims of the Australia bush fires. This mission brought an outpouring of support from community members and many others! More than 1200 nests were donated to the efforts in Australia!
Sunday, February 9, 2025, at 11:00 a.m.
Reverend Lake holds office hours on Tuesdays from 10:00 am-noon by appointment. Please check directly with him to be sure he will be in. Rev. Lake may be reached anytime at 860.428.3460.
Bring your personal knitting/crochet/needlepoint projects or work on a prayer shawl for the church. We also have ongoing mission projects, and there is always a need for more chemo caps, preemie hats, all baby items, prayer shawls, and lap robes Join us for fellowship and fun conversation each Thursday from 10:00 a.m. to noon. We have patterns and a roomful of ideas if you want, or just come to hang out for some friendly fellowship. If the weather is good, bring a chair as we like to meet outside!
Thursday, February 6, 2025 at Noon, place TBA. RSVP in advance to Gerrie Dawson.