Pack 109 is for boys and girls, ages 5 through 10. Pack meetings are usually one Thursday of the month at 6:00 pm. Scout Troop 109 holds their troop meetings Tuesdays at 6:30 pm. Boys and girls, ages 11-17 are welcome. We welcome all parents and boys & girls to join us for great programs that teach good citizenship, character, outdoor skills, and build lifelong friendships. For information email or visit Troop 109's website,, or Pack 109's website,
Troop 109, which is sponsored by Westchester Congregational Church, recently took a weekend trip to King Pine in New Hampshire. Pictured are scouts and leaders, skiers and snowboarders.
About 9,600 pounds of food was collected in Colchester on Nov. 2 by members of Pack and Troop 109, Troop 72, Pack and Troop 13. (Photos by Alice Csere)
Scouts BSA Troop 109 members and leaders recently performed a service project at the Colchester Dog Park, raking and spreading mulch to improve the facility.
Cub Scout Pack 109 Webelos Den recently spent a weekend at "Webelos Woods" held at Camp Workcoeman in New Hartford. The scouts had a lot of fun and earned several badges for outdoor activities. Pictured at Webelos Woods are, from left, Liam Raulerson, Drew Martin, Den Leader Becky Berta, and Delaney Berta.
Pictured are Pack 109 Cub Scouts Liam Raulerson, Delaney Berta, and Drew Martin along with their Cubmaster Aaron Berta at their recent Pack Meeting at the Westchester Congregational Church in Colchester. The scouts received several activity awards: Bear Necessities; Fur, Feathers, and Ferns; Protect Yourself Rules; Fellowship and Duty to God; Forensics; Baloo the Builder; and the Cyber Chip which is an internet safety activity. All three scouts in the Bear Den will be attending a week of Summer Camp this year. Our next Pack Meeting is May 11 at 6 pm at the Westchester Church, 98 Cemetery Road in the Westchester section of Colchester. Come visit us! For more info, email
Charter Representative Alice Csere-Troop 109
From left to right: (Troop 109) Quintin Henley, Cody Friberg, Harrison Winicki, Scoutmaster Bob Friberg, Rob Dubiel, Marc Nettleton, Marcus Nettleton, Benjamin Winicki, Charter Organization Representative Alice Csere.
The Scout BSA units in Colchester, Troops 109, 72, and 13 and Cub Scout Packs 109 and 13 got together for a fun evening at Camp Hemlocks in Hebron on Monday Nov. 28. Trained Scout leaders served as lifeguards. For more information about these groups, email or visit the Connecticut Rivers Council website
Scouting For Food a Great Success!
On October 29 Scouts BSA units, along with friends and family members, collected over 8,000 pounds of food and personal care items donated by the generous residents of Colchester. Pictured are Scouts, leaders, and other volunteers sorting donations which were delivered to the Colchester Food Bank. Thank you to all who generously gave for those in need!
Troop 109 News
BSA Troop 109 held its Spring Court of Honor on June 21 at the Westchester Congregational Church, their Charter Organization in Colchester. Rank Advancements earned: Front row, from left: Rocco Cusano earned his Tenderfoot Rank and Harrison Winicki earned his Scout Rank. Back row, from left: Cody Friberg earned his First Class Rank, Nicholas Gupta earned his Second Class Rank, and Dominic Cusano earned his First Class Rank. Troop 109 recently took a weekend camping trip, bicycling on the Cape Cod Rail Trail. They will be spending a week at summer camp in July, and are going on their Big Trip to Maine in August. For more information, email
On March 26 Cub Scout Pack 109 held their Blue and Gold ceremony where 3 scouts were awarded their Arrow of Light awards, the highest rank earned in Cub Scouts. The scouts then crossed over to Scout BSA Troops, where more adventure awaits. Pictured, from left to right, Pack 109 Cubmaster Aaron Berta, Bryce Berta who crossed over to Troop 72, William Morsch who crossed over to Toop 109, and Zack Ginand who crossed over to Troop 13. The ceremony was attended by family and friends and BSA troop leaders and scouts. Colchester is home to 2 Cub Scout Packs and 3 Scout BSA Troops. Pack and Troop 13 are sponsored by St. Andrew Church, Troop 72 is sponsored by the Federated Church, and Pack and Troop 109 are sponsored by the Westchester Congregational Church. For more information about these scout units and who may join, email
Troop 109 of Colchester completed their "Operation Christmas Child" project recently. They filled 27 shoe boxes with Christmas gifts for children in very poor countries. This project helped them complete their Messenger of Peace award. Pictured are (left to right) front: Harrison Winicki and Rocco Cusano and back: Marc Nettleton, Quintin Henley, Dominic Cusano, Benjamin Winicki, Cody Friberg, Nicholas Gupta, DJ Rancourt and Theodore Gupta. Troop 109 along with Cub Scout Pack 109 are sponsored by the Westchester Church at 98 Cemetery Road in Colchester. For more information about both units, email or stop by a Troop meeting at the church on a Tuesday evening at 7 pm.
On June 14, as they have done for many years, the 3 Colchester Scout BSA units (13, 72, and 109) participated with veterans and other members of the community to honor and properly dispose of unusable American flags. The ceremony took place on the Colchester Town Green at 6 pm. Please join us next year!
Photos by Alice Csere
Troop 109 scouts, family members and friends spent Saturday morning on May 22, working on the Norton Park Project, clearing invasive plants, fallen limbs and trash in the area formerly known as the Norton Paper Mill off of Route 149 in the Westchester section of Colchester. The final goal of the Norton Park Committee is to transform the area into a park open to the public, with walking paths, picnic tables, benches, fishing areas and more. Norton Park will also be connected to the Airline Trail by a sidewalk. For more information about the Norton Park Project, email
Article and photos by Alice Csere
On Oct. 24 BSA Scout units in Colchester distributed bags for Scouting For Food, an annual event that collects items for the Colchester Food Bank. Pictured are scouts and leaders from Troop 109 meeting outside at the Westchester Church before heading out to distribute bags for food collections. From left to right: leader Mr. Nettleton, scouts Marc Nettleton, Dominic Cusano, Ben Winicki, Cody Friberg, and leader Mr. Friberg. In front: scout Jay Desrosiers and leader Mr. Winicki.
Scout BSA units in Colchester collected the food donations on Oct 31. All donated items are for the Colchester Food Bank. Pictured are members of Cub Scout Pack 109 and the huge truckload of donations they collected. From left to right are Zack Ginard, Cubmaster Aaron Berta, William Morsch, Colton Palmer, Oliver Palmer, Bryce Berta, Den Leader Rebecca Berta, Delaney Berta, Den Leader Jessica Cusano and Rocco Cusano. We welcome boys and girls ages 5-10 and parents.
Cub Scout Pack 109 of Colchester recently held its annual Pinewood Derby Race. Pictured are Cub Scouts with leaders, family, and helpers from Troop 109 watching the finish line for the first run. Cars are made by the scouts and this event is always exciting. Pack 109 is sponsored by the Westchester Church in colchester. For more info, email Photo by Alice Csere
At the Pack 109 Den Meeting on Feb 20, Scouts learned how WCC gives to others. They learned about the knitting group, the Christmas giving tree, Operation Christmas Child, monetary donations to events like the fires in California, and the Blessings Box. We walked down to the Blessings Box and the scouts put several items inside (4 boxes of cereal and a few other items). Photo by Alice Csere